a The Power of Strategic Evolution
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The Power of Strategic Evolution

Who should read this. CEOs, CIOs, high-level decision makers and strategic planners.

What it is. A half-a-day work session to help you design a winning business strategy concerning a particular product, service, market niche, or technology.

What it does. In a quantitative custom-made way, and with adequate accuracy the work session will: Determine the remaining growth potential and the time to the turning point (be it downward or upward). Measure and assess your strategic performance. Rate your rational decision making against your intuitive understanding. Dictate what the best strategy is and how it should evolve over time.

The method. Interactive software takes your inputs into account on-line. The approach employs unique cross-discipline techniques that incorporate theories, such as Darwinian competition, homeostasis, chaos, and complexity. It benefits from experience, successful track record, and international recognition.

Benefits to your business. You will be able to:

  • Increase efficiency by timely preparing for the turning point.
  • Avoid mistakes by trusting more your instinct or your rationale as the case may be. Sustain growth and makes plans that are realistic over the long term.
  • Assure and monitor success beyond balance sheets and Profit-and-Loss statements.
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