a Event Enhancement
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Event Enhancement

Who should read this. Anyone responsible for the success and enrichment of such events as conferences, symposia, forums, and large-scale annual or other meetings.

What it is. A questionnaire-based survey followed by an on-line interactive session on the participant's major concerns.

What it does. A custom-made questionnaire based on the conference theme is distributed to all participants upon arrival. A half-an-hour introductory presentation is made to the full assembly the first day. The questionnaires are collected the same day and the data are entered into the computer and analyzed overnight. The results are presented the next day (15 min.) An interactive working session follows the results presentation. The session is tailored to the audience's interests (15 to 30 min.)

The method. Besides a survey-type of analysis there is a modified-BCG type of analysis. The hottest issues, are treated in an on-line interactive work session where everyone contributes toward a comprehensive understanding of the most probable evolution over time.

Benefits to your business. You will be able to:

  • Add spice and excitement to an event independently of its theme.
  • Extract valuable conclusions by tapping the collective knowledge of informed professionals in an intelligent way.
  • Get every participant actively involve (give them a feeling of ownership).
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