a Conquering Uncertainty, Jacket Text
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Conquering Uncertainty, Jacket Text

Understanding Corporate Cycles and Positioning Your Company to Survive the Changing Environment

"Most business people simply don't know what they are doing when they respond to change."

As a strategic analyst, futurist, and international business consultant, Theodore Modis has devoted his career to exploring predictability, looking at how companies grow and change, and developing tools that will enable senior executives to both devise and assess business strategies. In his research for effective decision-making techniques in an environment of rapid turmoil, Modis has discovered that businesses go through cycles-seasons-and like any living entity, businesses grow and change in certain predictable ways. In Conquering Uncertainty, Modis presents business people with a way to analyze their business cycles, allowing them to increase their odds on making the right decisions at the appropriate time-in any business situation, in every business season.

Is your company appropriately dressed for the season it is traversing?

  • When exactly is the best time to launch a new product or invest in new ventures?
  • How should ways of decision-making evolve as a company moves across its life cycle?
  • Is it possible for a company and its customers to "co-evolve" and adapt to meet each other's needs? And what can a company do to ensure this crucial "co-evolution"?
  • What exactly can be predicted? How much choice do strategists and managers really have, and when?
  • How can a company ensure another high-growth seasons after the inevitable lull?

By following Modis' unique approach, readers will be able to find their own answers to these, and many more wide-ranging business questions in order to devise the right strategies that will sustain success in the long run.

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